Image: Mizzou Rec for Career Fair

Business Career Services

Connecting students to employers

online services

For students needing to schedule an appointment, please sign in to MU Connect. Select "Show Other Services" under "Your Services" pane. Select "College of Business-Career Services", select one of the career specialists listed and set up an appointment.

Students in the Trulaske College of Business graduate ready to begin rewarding careers in business. Student services prepare students beyond the classroom in workshops and job preparation. Business Career Services is a resource available to all currently-enrolled students at Mizzou and helps students with a successful job search.

Employers and recruiters are seeking well-rounded graduates prepared for a challenging business environment. Mizzou’s Trulaske College of Business has a proven academic reputation and prepares students with a high level of professionalism. Business Career Services is committed to helping your organization meet its objectives with students who are ready to make a substantial contribution to your company.

We connect students to employers and employers to students. How will you connect?

  • Individual resume and cover letter critiques
  • Workshops on career topics
  • Networking events with employers
  • Up to four career fairs per year
  • Handshake Interface (Employer & Job Database)
  • Corporate Site Visit Days – one-day field trips to visit corporate locations on site
  • Business Journals from 43 US and Canadian cities within Handshake Interface
  • Employer mock interview days and resume reviews
  • Student resource area (resume paper-can print 10 a day, thank you notes and postage)
  • 1-on-1 customized career coaching
  • On-campus interviewing
  • Quiet Study Rooms (during finals)
  • Weekly newsletter and job announcement emails
  • Unique networking engagements (golf tournament, summer welcome reception, lunch and learns, etc.)
  • Ability to reserve interview rooms for virtual meetings or interviews with employers
  • Access to career coaching post-graduation
  • Recent Alumni Advisory Board
  • Leadership Conference
  • Bottom Line for Diversity Conference

If you have any questions, please contact Business Career Services by email at, by phone at (573) 882-2565, or stop by in-person at 104 Cornell Hall. 


Measuring our success

Business Career Services assists graduates in landing competitive positions across the nation - and the world. Part of that successful preparation is the robust Trulaske Edge, which includes a required internship for all BS BA students. Here's a look at our success rates:

Academic Year Outcome Rates
2021-2022 94.5%
2020-2021 96.2%
2019-2020 96%
2018-2019 93.3%
2017-2018 94.1%
2016-2017 93.6%
2015-2016 92%
2014-2015 92.6%
2013-2014 90%
2012-2013 92.5%
2011-2012 88%
2010-2011 89%

Coming Up

Looking for something else? Try...

Image: Student getting headshot taken

Graduate Programs

Students access the Crosby MBA Career Services office to help you achieve a career path that will bring both personal fulfillment and professional success. We offer individual career counseling, a connection to employers, employer site visits, and workshops focusing on interviewing, networking, and salary negotiation to prepare you for the next phase of your career.

Image: Students Networking at Career Fair

For Recruiters

Are you ready to hire a Mizzou Business student? Want to share your knowledge or provide real world experience for our students? Maybe you prefer to work behind the scenes to make a difference. There are so many ways you and your business can get involved with the Trulaske College of Business. How will you connect?