Image: Will Demeré

Will Demeré

Assistant Professor and RubinBrown Faculty Scholar
355 Cornell Hall

Will Demeré (PhD, Michigan State, 2017; MACIS, Virginia Tech, 2010; BS, Virginia Tech, 2008) is an assistant professor of accountancy and RubinBrown Faculty Scholar. Dr. Demeré teaches advanced auditing and his research focuses on corporate governance, performance evaluation and incentives, and measurement issues. Prior to joining the faculty at the University of Missouri in 2017, Dr. Demeré worked as an external auditor at Deloitte, and as an instructor in the Accounting & Information Systems Department at Virginia Tech. He has also worked with study abroad programs, teaching in France, Germany and Belize.


BS, Virginia Tech, 2008; MACIS, Virginia Tech, 2010; PhD, Michigan State, 2017


Demeré, B. W., K. L. Sedatole, and A. Woods. 2019. "The Role of Calibration Committees in Subjective Performance Evaluation Systems." Management Science, 65(4), 1455-1947.

Demeré, W., K. L. Sedatole, and A. Woods. 2018. "Why Managers Shouldn’t Have the Final Say in Performance Reviews". Harvard Business Review, June 11, 2018.

Sedatole, K. L., Demeré, W., and Wilson, J. 2017. "Applying Cost of Quality Concepts to Brand Protection". The Brand Protection Professional 2(4), 26–28.

Demeré, B. W., R. Krishnan, K. L. Sedatole, and A. Woods. 2016. "Do the Incentive Effects of Relative Performance Measurement Vary With the Ex Ante Probability of Promotion?" Management Accounting Research 30, 18–31.