Publications tagged as Finance

  1. Journal Articles Finance August 2010

    SEO Cycles

    The Financial Review
  2. Journal Articles Finance 2010

    Testing the Trade-off Theory of Capital Structure

    Review of Business
  3. Journal Articles Finance 2011

    Gold and the dollar (and the euro, pound, and yen)

    Journal of Banking and Finance
  4. Journal Articles Finance 2011

    International diversification with Frontier Markets

    Journal of Financial Economics
  5. Journal Articles Finance April 2011

    Corporate Governance of Dual-Class Firms

    Advances in Financial Economics
  6. Journal Articles Finance 2011

    Does It Pay to Disclose Managerial Earnings Information Early?

    Journal of Financial Research
  7. Journal Articles Finance June 2011

    Does Merger Structure Matter?

    Managerial Finance
  8. Journal Articles Finance Forthcoming

    Does Executive Compensation Determine Firm Performance?: An Analysis of Newly Appointed CEOs

    Corporate Ownership and Control