Publications tagged as Faculty

  1. Journal Articles Accountancy 2020

    Decision-Aids for Non-Expert Decision Makers: An Experimental Investigation of Performance and Learning

    Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change
  2. Book Chapter Marketing 2000

    Addressing Services Marketing Challenges through Franchising

    Handbook of Services Marketing and Management
  3. Journal Articles Marketing 2019

    Competing with co-created products

    International Journal of Research in Marketing
  4. Book Chapter Management Forthcoming

    Interorganizational Collaboration and Corporate Entrepreneurship

    Entrepreneurship and Collaboration
  5. Journal Articles Accountancy In Press

    Do Type II subsequent events impair financial reporting quality?

    The Accounting Review
  6. Journal Articles Accountancy Forthcoming

    Fee Competition Among Big 4 Auditors and Audit Quality

    Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting