Capitalism and Socialism: A Discussion of the Ideal Mix for the United States


National economic systems lie along a spectrum, often combining aspects of more than one system to reflect the societies in which they exist. In the United States, the mix includes characteristics of both capitalism and socialism. For more than 100 years, we have considered and debated our nation’s ideal place on this spectrum.

In the ninth event in the Trulaske Business Insider Series, six panelists will bring to bear their areas of expertise on this issue. Our discussion will include professors of history and agricultural and applied economics, including an expert in Austrian economics; radio talk show hosts; and students from both the MU College of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources and the Missouri School of Journalism.

Capitalism and Socialism: A Discussion of the Ideal Mix for the United States will continue the Trulaske College of Business’ commitment to the respectful exchange of views that is fundamental to educating business leaders of the future.


Headshot of Trulaske faculty member Chris Prestigiacomo

Moderator: Dr. Chris Prestigiacomo

Associate Teaching Professor & Nikolai Teaching Scholar

School of Accountancy

Trulaske College of Business




Headshot of Mizzou student Madelyn Derks

Madelyn Derks


MU College of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources





Headshot of radio talk show host Gary Nolan


Gary Nolan

Talk Show Host, 93.9 The Eagle

Zimmer Radio & Marketing Group






Headshot of radio talk show personality Simon Rose

Simon Rose

Talk Show Host, KFRU and KBXR

Cumulus Media, Inc.






Headshot of Mizzou student Galen Zavala Sherby


Galen Zavala Sherby


Missouri School of Journalism


Headshot of Dr. Robert Smale from the Mizzou Department of History





Dr. Robert Smale

Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies

Department of History

MU College of Arts and Science





Headshot of Dr. Michael Sykuta of the MU College of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources


Dr. Michael Sykuta

Associate Professor of Agricultural and Applied Economics

Division of Applied Social Sciences

MU College of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources  




Capitalism vs Socialism Trulaske Business Insider Webinar Placeholder


Insider Series