Image: Christopher Robert

Christopher Robert

Pinkney C. Walker Professor of Teaching Excellence
510 Cornell

700 Tiger Avenue
Columbia, MO 65211

Chris Robert currently serves as the Pinkney C. Walker Professor of Teaching Excellence in the Trulaske College of Business. He served as the interim dean of the Trulaske College of Business from 2021 to July, 2023, and as the associate dean for graduate programs and research from 2017 to 2021. He received his PhD from the University of Illinois in industrial/organizational psychology. He studies humor at work, as well as cross-cultural management, workplace conflict, and work groups and teams. His research has appeared in publications such as Journal of Applied PsychologyPersonnel PsychologyOrganizational Behavior and Human Decision ProcessesJournal of ManagementHuman RelationsJournal of Business and Psychology, and Group and Organizational Behavior. He is the editor of the book The Psychology of Humor at Work (2017, Psychology Press).


Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1998; M.A. University of Illinois, 1995; B.A. University of Vermont, 1992


Robert, C. & S.A. Wasti (2002). "Organizational individualism and collectivism: Theoretical development and construct validation." Journal of Management, 28(4), 544-566.

Robert, C., T. Probst, J.J. Martocchio, F. Drasgow, and J. Lawler (2000). “Empowerment and continuous improvement in the U.S., Mexico, Poland, and India: Predicting fit on the basis of the dimensions of power distance and individualism.” Journal of Applied Psychology, 85(5), pp. 643-658.

Robert, C., & P. J. Carnevale (1997). "Group choice in ultimatum bargaining." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 72(2), pp. 256-279.