Image: Felipe BG Silva

Felipe Bastos Gurgel Silva

Assistant Professor and CBIZ MHM Faculty Scholar
425 Cornell Hall

Felipe B G Silva (PhD, Cornell University, ’2018) is an assistant professor, teaching the accounting and business strategy analysis capstone course of the School of Accountancy.

His research interests revolve around financial accounting, macroeconomics, banking and financial intermediation, and political economy. His work has been published in academic outlets such as the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of International Money, and Finance, Harvard Business Review, California Management Review, Annals of Finance, and Journal of Risk, and has been featured in the Washington Post, Bloomberg, and other media outlets in English, Portuguese, German, and Russian. His solo-authored paper, based on his doctoral dissertation, has been selected as a semifinalist for best paper award at the 2019 FMA Annual Meeting.

Prior to his graduate studies, Professor Silva worked for 5 years in the private sector, including a brief career in the aerospace sector (Embraer) and later joining the financial services industry at Itaú Unibanco (Market Risk Division) and Banco Santander (Quantitative Researcher). He was also a founding partner of a start-up enterprise in the telecommunications sector, later sold to a major retailer. He holds a bachelor´s degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA), Brazil, and an M.Eng. degree in Financial Engineering from Cornell´s Operations Research and Information Engineering Department. Outside of academia, Professor Silva enjoys spending time with his wife Anna and kids, Eric and George.


PhD, Finance, Cornell's Johnson School of Management;  M. Eng, Financial Engineering, Cornell University and B. Eng., Aeronautical Engineering, Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica


Dantas, M. M., Merkley, K. J., Silva, F. B. G. 2023. "Government Guarantees and Banks’ Income Smoothing". Journal of Financial Services Research, 63,123–173 (2023). DOI:

Srivastava, A., Silva, F. B. G., Ilyas, H., Enache, L. 2022. “Reassessing the Boundaries of Government” California Management Review, November 2022:

Govindarajan, V., Ilyas, H., Silva, F. B. G., Srivastava, A., and Enache, L. 2022. "Restoring Shareholder Confidence When Your Stock Is Down" Harvard Business Review, August 2022:

Govindarajan, V., Ilyas, H., Silva, F. B. G., Srivastava, A., and Enache, L. 2022. "How Companies Can Prepare for a Long Run of High Inflation" Harvard Business Review, May 2022:

Govindarajan, V., Ilyas, H., Silva, F. B. G., Srivastava, A., and Enache, L. 2022. "The Rapid Rise and Fall of Biotech Stocks Adversely Impacts the Society" California Management Review, March 2022: