Jung-Hoon Han

Jung-Hoon Han

Assistant Professor
349 Cornell Hall

700 Tiger Avenue
Columbia, MO 65211

Dr. Jung-Hoon Han is an Assistant Professor in the Management Department at the Robert J. Trulaske, Sr. College of Business, University of Missouri. His research focuses on how the socio-cognitive processes surrounding organizations affect their behaviors and outcomes in various contexts including organizational misconduct, cultural industries, and entrepreneurial markets. His work has been published in the Academy of Management Journal and the Academy of Management Annals. His most recent project studies how stakeholder audiences such as the media and investors make sense of and react to corporate data breaches. Dr. Han received his doctoral degree from the Pennsylvania State University.


B.A., Business Administration, Yonsei University; M.S., Business Administration, Yonsei University; Ph.D., Business Administration, Pennsylvania State University