Image: Lisa Scheer

Lisa K. Scheer

Emma S. Hibbs Distinguished Professor and Professor of Marketing
444 Cornell Hall

700 Tiger Avenue
Columbia, MO 65211

Lisa Scheer is the Emma S. Hibbs Distinguished Professor and marketing doctoral coordinator at the University of Missouri Trulaske College of Business and Professor of Strategic Business-to-Business Management at University of Graz (Austria). She has been formulating and studying strategy since growing up in a family business. Dr. Scheer earned her PhD in Marketing at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management after receiving a BSBA (logistics and marketing) and MBA (marketing) at the University of Missouri. 

Dr. Scheer’s research on marketing strategy and marketing relationships is both academically rigorous and managerially relevant, examining factors such as channel strategy, sales strategy, boundary spanner advocacy and corruption, interdependence, trust, and fairness.  Her research has been published in the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of International Marketing, and other outlets.

Dr. Scheer was named the 2021 Distinguished Scholar by the Society for Marketing Advances, only the 21stperson so honored, and the 2022 Haring Legacy Speaker for the Haring Symposium at Indiana University, only the 3rd person so honored. Dr. Scheer has received prominent research awards for the impact of her publications, including the American Marketing Association’s (AMA) Interorganizational SIG Lifetime Achievement Award for contributions to research and doctoral education, AMA’s Louis W. Stern Research Award, the European Marketing Academy’s Jan-Benedict Steenkamp Award for long-term impact, and the AMA Sales SIG’s Excellence in Research Award. Dr. Scheer has also been honored as a Fellow of the Institute for the Study of Business Markets (ISBM).  

Dr. Scheer serves as an area editor for the Journal of the Academy of Marketing ScienceInternational Journal of Research in Marketing, and as of July 1, 2022, for Journal of Retailing and was recognized as Outstanding Area Editor by the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. She is on editorial or advisory boards for Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, AMS Review, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Business Market Management, International Marketing Review, and European Journal of Marketing and twice has been recognized as an Outstanding Reviewer by Journal of Marketing.

Dr. Scheer developed, organized, and chaired the inaugural Marketing Strategy Consortium and has co-chaired the AMA/Sheth Doctoral Consortium and both the AMA Summer Academic Conference and the AMA Winter Academic Conference. She has been Director or Co-Director of six PhD Research Camps for ISBM and is a member of ISBM's Academic Advisory Board. Previously, she served a three-year term on AMA's Academic Council. 

Dr. Scheer has been a featured scholar or keynote speaker at conferences and universities in Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Turkey, the UK, and the USA.  


PhD, Northwestern University, 1990; MBA, University of Missouri, 1982; BSBA, University of Missouri (Summa Cum Laude), 1981


2022 Excellence in Research Award, AMA Sales Special Interest Group — 2022 Haring Legacy Distinguish Speaker, Indiana University — 2021 Routledge/Taylor & Francis Society for Marketing Advances (SMA) Distinguished Scholar — “Lisa Scheer Research Award” bestowed at the Marketing Strategy Consortium — 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award, AMA Interorganizational Special Interest Group — 2012 Fellow, Institute for the Study of Business Markets — 2014 Louis W. Stern Research Award, AMA Interorganizational Special Interest Group — 2010 Jan-Benedict E. M. Steenkamp Award for Long-Term Impact, European


Justin M. Lawrence, Andrew T. Crecelius, Lisa K. Scheer and Ashutosh Patil (2019), “Multichannel Strategies for Managing the Profitability of Business-to-Business Customers.” Journal of Marketing Research56(3), 479-97. 

Lisa K. Scheer (2019), “Three Challenging Trends for Marketing Strategy – and B2B – Doctoral Education.” Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 35(4), 619-621. 

Andrew T. Crecelius, Justin M. Lawrence, Ju-Yeon Lee, Son K. Lam and Lisa K. Scheer (2019), "Effects of Channel Members' Customer-centric Structures on Supplier Performance." Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47(1), 56-75.

Rajdeep Grewal, Gary L. Lilien, Sundar Bharadwaj, Pranav Jindal, Ujwal Kayande, Robert F. Lusch, Murali Mantrala, Robert W. Palmatier, Aric Rindfleisch, Lisa K. Scheer, Robert Spekman & Shrihari Sridhar (2015), “Business-to-Business Buying: Challenges and Opportunities,” Customer Needs and Solutions

Lisa K. Scheer, C. Fred Miao and Robert J. Palmatier (2015), “Dependence and Interdependence in Marketing Relationships: Meta-Analytic Insights.” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 43(6), 694-712.