Matteo Binfare

Matteo Binfarè

Assistant Professor
420 Cornell Hall

700 Tiger Avenue
Columbia, MO 65211

Matteo Binfare is an Assistant Professor in the Finance Department at the Robert J. Trulaske, Sr. College of Business, University of Missouri. Professor Binfare's research focuses on corporate finance and investments. He is currently studying the role of governance on university endowment asset allocation and performance, the compensation contracts of investment managers at non-profit foundations, firms’ capital structure decisions, and the importance of cyber risk management on firm value. His work on university endowments has been awarded the Two Sigma Award for Best Paper on Investment Management at the 2019 Western Finance Association meetings. Professor Binfare's work has been featured in the Financial Times FundFire and on Institutional Investor.

He earned his doctorate in finance from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and a M.Sc. and B.S. in finance from Bocconi University. Prior to the Ph.D., Binfare worked for the Debt Capital Markets (DCM) and Structured Finance team of Mediobanca, an Italian investment bank.


Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Finance (2020); M.Sc., Bocconi University, Finance (2014); B.S., Bocconi University, Finance (2011)


2019 Western Finance Association - Two Sigma Award for Best Paper on Investment Management  


Matteo Binfarè, Gregory Brown, Robert Harris, Christian Lundblad, How Does Human Capital Affect Investing? Evidence from University Endowments, Review of Finance, 2022;, rfac017,