Image: Srinath Gopalakrishna

Srinath Gopalakrishna

Professor of Marketing, David and Judy O'Neal MBA Professor, Faculty Director execMBA, and Marketing Department Chair
401 Cornell Hall

700 Tiger Avenue
Columbia, MO 65211

Srinath Gopalakrishna is a Professor of Marketing, David and Judy O'Neal MBA Professor, Faculty Director of the execMBA, and Department Chair of Marketing at the Robert J. Trulaske, Sr. College of Business, University of Missouri. He is a dedicated scholar with a focus on business-to-business marketing and sales management. Specifically, his research has examined the integration of marketing communication elements, measuring the economic returns from marketing expenditures, analyzing sales motivation/incentive programs and assessing the drivers of intermediate and overall sales outcomes. Several of his research projects have been funded by the Marketing Science Institute. His publications include articles in the Journal of MarketingJournal of Marketing ResearchMarketing Science, and International Journal of Research in Marketing, among other journals. He also serves on the editorial review board of the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing and Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management.

Gopalakrishna has been the recipient of the College’s Distinguished Research Fellowship Award, the O’Brien Award for Teaching Excellence and our University’s William T. Kemper Fellowship for Teaching Excellence. He has taught in several of Trulaske’s Study Abroad programs and has consulted with industry partners on research and teaching.


PhD, Purdue University, 1988; MBA, Indian Institute of Management, 1980; BTech Indian Institute of Technology, 1977


Palmatier, Robert, Srinath Gopalakrishna and Mark Houston (2009), “How Companies Can Measure the Success of Their Relationship Marketing Investments,” Marketing Intelligence Review, Volume 1, 24-35.

Mantrala, Murali K., Sonke Albers, Srinath Gopalakrishna, and Kissan Joseph (2008), "Editorial Introduction: Special Issue on Enhancing Sales Force Productivity," Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, Vol. 28, No. 2 (Spring), pp. 109-113.

"Integrated Marketing Communications at the Marketing-Sales Interface," MSI Working Paper Series, 06-102, 2006.

"Assessing the Impact of Sales Incentive Programs:  A Business Process Perspective," Research Report, The Incentive Research Foundation, New York, 2007.

Palmatier, Robert W., Lisa K. Scheer, Mark B. Houston, Kenneth R. Evans and Srinath Gopalakrishna (2007), "Use of Relationship Marketing Programs in Building Customer-Salesperson and Customer-Firm Relationships: Differential Influence on Financial Outcomes," International Journal of Research in