Research Directory

  1. Journal Articles Accountancy December 1983

    Users of Financial Reporting: An Investigation

    Management Accounting
  2. Journal Articles Marketing 1983

    Negative Word-of-Mouth by Dissatisfied Consumers: A Pilot Study

    Journal of Marketing
  3. Journal Articles Marketing June 1983

    An Analysis of Consumer Interaction Styles in the Marketplace

    Journal of Consumer Research
  4. Conference Proceedings Marketing 1983

    "The Role of Usage Context in Consumer Choice: A Problem Solving Perspective"

    Advances in Consumer Research
  5. Conference Proceedings Marketing 1983

    Shopping Without Purchase: An Investigation of Consumer Browsing Behavior

    Advances in Consumer Research
  6. Conference Proceedings Marketing 1983

    Word-of-Mouth as an Expression of Product Dissatisfaction

    International Fare in Consumer Satisfaction and Complaining Behavior
  7. Journal Articles Marketing 1983

    A Theoretical Model for the Study of Product Importance Perceptions

    Journal of Marketing
  8. Conference Proceedings Marketing 1983

    An Investigation of Cognitive Structure in a Shopping Context

    Advances in Consumer Research
  9. Conference Proceedings Marketing 1983

    Shopping Without Purchase: An Investigation of Consumer Browsing Behavior

    Advances in Consumer Research
  10. Conference Proceedings Marketing 1983

    An Investigation of Cognitive Structure in a Shopping Context

    Advances in Consumer Research