Research Directory

  1. Journal Articles Finance 2018

    External Cost of Leverage Adjustment: Evidence from Defined Benefit Pension Plans

    Journal of Economics and Business
  2. Journal Articles Accountancy 2018

    “Value relevance of customer-related intangible assets”

    Research in Accounting Regulation
  3. Journal Articles Management 2018

    "From the unfolding process to self-regulation in job search:  Integrating between- and within-person approaches."

    Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management
  4. Journal Articles Accountancy 2018

    Determinants and Consequences of Timely Asset Impairments during the Financial Crisis

    Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting 
  5. Journal Articles Finance January 2018

    Size does not matter: Diseconomies of Scale in the Mutual Fund Industry Revisited

    Journal of Banking and Finance
  6. Journal Articles Accountancy December 2017

    Critical Accounting Estimate Disclosures and the Predictive Value of Earnings

    Accounting Horizons
  7. Journal Articles Marketing 2017

    Generating and Sharing of Market Intelligence in Sales Teams: An Economic Social Network Perspective

    Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management