Research Directory

  1. Journal Articles Accountancy July 1991

    The Impact of Writing in Learning Accounting

    The Community/Junior College Quarterly of Research and Practice, Special Edition on College Teaching and Learning: Part I
  2. Journal Articles Marketing June 1991

    Social Comparison and the Idealized Images of Advertising

    Journal of Consumer Research
  3. Journal Articles Finance 1991

    Short Term Market Overreaction and the Bid-Ask Spread: An Empirical Investigation of NMS Securities

    Journal of the Midwest Finance Association
  4. Conference Proceedings Marketing 1991

    Leisure and the Shopping Mall

    Advances in Consumer Research
  5. Journal Articles Marketing January 1991

    Retail Franchising in the 1990's

    Retailing Issues Letter
  6. Journal Articles Management 1991

    Teaching in China during the age of reform

    Journal of Management Education