
Information for Undergraduates

Step 1: Intent to Graduate Form

All Business and International Business Students must submit their Intent to Graduate Form which will allow the advising office to add your expected graduation date in myZou:

  • Spring & Summer 2023 Graduates Deadline: Accepting Now!
  • Fall 2023 Graduates Deadline: September 1, 2023

Submit your Intent to Graduate Form

Step 2: Campus-Wide Graduation Application

After submitting the Intent to Graduate form, students will receive a confirmation email from once the form has been processed confirming that an expected graduation date has been added in myZou. Once you receive this confirmation, students will need to complete the campus-wide Graduation Application which can be accessed in myZou:  

  • Spring & Summer 2023 myZou Graduation Application Priority Deadline: February 20, 2023
    • ​​​​​​​FINAL Deadline for Spring 2023 Graduates: May 5, 2023
    • FINAL Deadline for Summer 2023 Graduates: July 28, 2023
  • Fall 2023 myZou Graduation Application Priority Deadline: September 25, 2023
    • ​​​​​​​FINAL Deadline: December 8, 2023

Meeting the priority deadline ensures your name will appear in the Commencement program. If you complete the Graduation Application after this deadline then your name will not appear in the Commencement program.

For more information regarding Graduation & Commencement at Mizzou, please click here

Degree Requirements

In addition to University general education and graduation requirements, undergraduate business students must meet the following BSBA requirements:

  • Students must complete a minimum of 120 credits from accredited colleges or universities for all BSBA emphasis areas except International Business, which requires 136-158 credits, depending on catalog year and emphasis area.
  • The S/U grading system is limited to unrestricted elective courses or courses only offered with a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grade.
  • In completing the 120 credits for graduation, students may count no more than 30 credits within their emphasis area.
  • Students must complete 30 of the last 36 hours of courses in residence at MU, enrolled in the Trulaske College of Business.
  • Students may take no more than six credit hours of transfer business coursework at the 3000-level or higher.
  • Students must maintain a minimum 2.50 TCoB GPA in all MU accountancy (ACCTCY), business administration (BUS_AD), economics (ECONOM), finance (FINANC), management (MANGMT), and marketing (MRKTNG) courses.


Trulaske EDGE Graduation Requirements

  • Students must earn a total of 200 EDGE points to meet graduation requirements.
  • Students must earn a C- (or higher) in BA 3500 to satisfy the course requirement.
  • BA 4500/Internship is graded as Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Students must complete the practicum course to a satisfactory level of 70% or greater to receive a passing grade for the course.

Please contact your advisor to review and confirm your graduation requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

An Intent to Graduate Form must be submitted online after you have enrolled in your final semester of courses (prior to the start of your final semester).

It is only necessary to submit the form once. If you are unsure whether a form has already been submitted, you can log in to to see if an expected graduation date is listed under your BSBA program plan. If yes, please do not submit another form. If you are needing to change your expected grad date, please email your advisor or to make that request.

You will receive an email confirmation that your form has been processed - READ IT! This is your confirmation and will indicate if you are missing requirements to graduate. If you have any questions or problems, contact your advisor or

Once you receive this email confirmation, you can submit the MU Graduation Application via myZou. The application can be accessed via your myZou Student Center & is located under your Academics tab. The application will be available to you within one business day of receiving your email confirmation. 



Read the following information BEFORE filling out and submitting the form:

  • Please do NOT submit the form from anywhere other than your Mizzou E-mail address.
  • Do not submit a form any earlier than the semester before you intend to graduate.
  • Your name as shown in myZou is the name that will be printed on the diploma and the diploma will be mailed to the permanent address on record, so it is important that both are up to date in the system at the time of graduation. You can verify your name and your address by going to If either need updating, follow the instructions given.
  • If you have a minor or certificate with another department, make sure you follow their guidelines for filing.
  • Complete all fields on the form.
  • Click "submit" to finish.

Details about Graduation and Commencement can be found here: 

Latin Honors are based on the Official MU GPA of Record.  The following GPA cutoffs apply:

  • Cum Laude: 3.600-3.799
  • Magna Cum Laude: 3.800-3.899
  • Summa Cum Laude: 3.900-4.000

More information about Latin Honors can be found here:

Your cap, tassel (color "Drab") and gown can be purchased from the Mizzou Store located in the Student Center. If you are involved in a student organization, check to see if they have cords for graduates. 

Currently, there are no tickets and no limit on number of guests for commencement. 

Please pay attention to your email for further instructions as the date approaches. You may also monitor the university graduation & commencement website for additional updates.

For questions about the commencement ceremony, contact, Sharon Reed:

For questions about the Graduate Student ceremony, contact, the Graduate School:

For a full list of contacts regarding Commencement, please click here

If you have questions regarding your status for graduation or your degree requirements, please contact your academic advisor.