Image: Trulaske students sitting inside Cornell Hall facing each other.

Trulaske Edge

Preparing students for successful internships and careers

Welcome to the Trulaske Edge professional development program! This program helps students develop professional competencies that are in demand with today’s top employers and helps students excel in competitive work environments. Students who graduate from the Trulaske College of Business enter the workforce with the skills, experience and networking connections to succeed in the professional world. The program combines innovative programming and coursework as part of Trulaske undergraduate degree requirements.

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Edge Event Submission

The Trulaske Edge team is always looking for new and unique Edge point opportunities to provide students each semester. Are you interested in having your event considered for Edge points? 

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Edge Programming

Trulaske students will participate in Edge programming with industry-leading professionals in a variety of events while earning a minimum of 200 Edge points required for graduation. To fit every schedule, a variety of Edge Approved events are offered each semester in person and virtually (including on demand), allowing students to create a personal programming roadmap, based on their interests and strengths. Students who earn 250 Edge points or more will be recognized with a graduation cord to celebrate their accomplishment.

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BA 1500

In the BA 1500 course, students engage their strengths as they navigate the Trulaske College of Business, discover career opportunities in the business field, and begin to understand and develop the professional competencies necessary for personal and career advancement.

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BA 3500

In BA 3500, students take what they have learned in the classroom and put it into practice through a professional team-based project with an actual business client. Students meet weekly with their project teams and are coached by the instructor and a graduate student project manager. Throughout the semester, students conduct market research and develop a report and presentation for the client that provides business findings and recommendations.

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BA 4500

All Trulaske College of Business students complete an internship before graduation. While working at an internship site, the student is enrolled in a course (BA 4500) that helps guide the student's professional development. Internships allow students to develop professional experience in the business world and hone their professionalism. Internships must be approved before your start date to receive credit for BA 4500.

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Image: trulaske Edge professional competencies


Have a Question?

Here you'll find answers to the questions we get asked the most about Edge Programming, online events, internships and more! Click to learn more.

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Image: Cornell Hall

Trulaske Edge

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Highest Engagement Percentage

Congratulations to the Trulaske Edge Program for receiving the Highest Engagement Percentage award, which acknowledges the programs with the highest percentages of students who have logged into their program.

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Follow BCS on Instagram

Business Career Services and Trulaske Edge offer a variety of opportunities for students to develop professionally throughout the semester. Stay up to date by following us on Instagram TODAY! 

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Most Engaged Partner

Congratulations to Julia Parcell on receiving the Most Engaged Partner award, which recognizes partners that go above and beyond in being a part of the vibrant, student-driven Suitable community.