Edge Programming

Trulaske students will participate in Edge programming with industry-leading professionals in a variety of events, while earning a minimum of 200 Edge points required for graduation. Engage in contemporary Edge events with industry executives, successful entrepreneurs, thought leaders and power players in business and other influential organizations to develop industry-driven professional competencies that are valuable in today’s workplace. To fit every schedule, a variety of Edge Approved events are offered each semester in person and virtually (including on demand), allowing students to create their own unique programming roadmap, based on their interests and strengths. Students who earn 250 Edge points or more will be recognized with a graduation cord to celebrate their accomplishment.


Edge Programming Syllabus

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Suitable is an application that tracks earned Edge points, shows upcoming Edge events and their event descriptions and displays the student's most developed competencies.

Download the app here: ANDROID or IOS.

Or join via computer here:  app.suitable.co

Image: Suitable QR Codes

MU Engage

The MU Engage App will be used to register for and check into Edge Events. 

Download the app here: ANDROID or IOS.

Image: MU Engage QR codes

What to Wear

What we wear while working is how people perceive our confidence, work ethic and professionalism. Many businesses are changing dress codes and expectations as the traditional workplace evolves. When shopping for appropriate work attire, consider the culture of the work environment, the expectations of the role, and the location and type of work (meetings or activities, indoors or outdoors). What we wear sends powerful messages and can be used as a tool to create a personal identity.

Learn More

Contact Us

Image: Cornell Hall

Trulaske Edge

Still have questions? Let us help you! 

Email: edge@missouri.edu