Economics Emphasis

About Our Program

Do you follow international and national finance news? Do you appreciate when numbers tell a story and inform decisions? Then a degree in economics is for you. The tools you’ll learn in this emphasis will help you make decisions in areas such as investment, optimal product mixes, budget allocations, locations and competitive strategies, in addition to training in internal and external forecasting.

Students at Mizzou use mathematical models to capture the essential features of complex processes and test the validity of these models against economic data. Equipped with analytical skills and techniques, economics graduates move on to careers in industrial, commercial and financial organizations, as well as governmental units and agencies.

All students who complete our program will earn a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with an emphasis in Economics

Careers in Economics

  • Actuary
  • Economist
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Financial Planner
  • Insurance Claims Examiner
  • Compensation Analyst
  • Retail Buyer
  • Advertising Copywriter
  • Management Consultant

Ready to track your progress?

Spring 2022 is the last semester of admission to the Economics emphasis. If you are a student starting at Mizzou after Spring 2022, and want to add a second degree in Economics, consider the Applied Track offered by the College of Arts and Sciences.


Use the Emphasis Checksheet that corresponds with your start date: