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Trulaske Study Abroad

213 Cornell Hall


Step outside of your borders and learn more about yourself and the world. The Trulaske College of Business Study Abroad program places students in summer and intersession programs across the globe, exposing them to international business practices and new cultures. All students gain from international exposure, but you can be the student who sees international business firsthand.


Show me the facts

SOURCE: What Statistics Show about Study Abroad Students from the University of California, Mercer
Study abroad alumni got into their first or second choice of graduate school
Study abroad alumni who say they felt their program helped them build valuable skills for the job market
Study abroad alumni who have higher earnings compared to non study abroad participants

Our generous donors ensure that Trulaske students have the opportunity to experience the world of business around the globe. A wide range of scholarship support is available for upper-level students interested in study abroad.


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SP23 Info Session Times

Where would you like to study?

Summer Programs:

Applications for Summer 2023 now open!

Spring Programs:

International Internships:

Explore internship opportunities internationally through the Trulaske College of Business. This is a great way to gain incredible international experience while satisfying your Professional EDGE BA4500 internship requirements.

Applications for Summer 2023 are open!

Financial Aid

Costs for studying abroad vary from program to program. For most MU and MU affiliated programs, standard MU tuition rates and fees apply (including non-Missouri resident and graduate tuition fees), though housing and travel costs depend on the host institution and location. MU rates do not apply to programs that are not affiliated with MU. 

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