Image: Inder Khurana

Inder K. Khurana

Geraldine Trulaske Chair of Accountancy
447 Cornell Hall
12:00-1:00pm Thursday (Zoom)

Dr. Khurana's research interests are in the areas of financial accounting and auditing. His recent research has focused on financial statement disclosure issues facing regulated and unregulated industries. He has published in several journals, including The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Contemporary Accounting Research, Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, Research in Accounting Regulation, and Advances in Accounting.


B Commerce, Delhi University, 1978; MIM, American Graduate School of International Management, 1985; PhD, Arizona State University, 1989


Chen, L., and I. Khurana. 2015.  "The impact of eliminating the Form 20-F reconciliation on shareholder wealth: Evidence from the U.S. cross-listed firms." The Accounting Review 90(1): 199-228.

Boone, J., I. Khurana, and K.K. Raman. 2015. "Did the 2007 PCAOB Disciplinary Order against Deloitte have Information Value for Audit Market Participants?"  The Accounting Review 90(2): 405-44

Khurana, I., and C. Wang. 2015. "Debt Maturity Structure and Accounting Conservatism." Journal of Business, Finance & Accounting 42 (1-2): 167-203.

Dhaliwal, D., I. Khurana, and R. Pereira. 2014.  "Product Market Competition and Conditional Conservatism."  Review of Accounting Studies 1-37.

Khurana, I., and W. Moser. 2013.  "Institutional Shareholders' Investment Horizons and Tax Avoidance."  The Journal of the American Taxation Association 25:  111-134.