Research Directory

  1. Journal Articles Finance July 2012

    Catering for Security Types: The Case of Warrants

    Review of Behavioral Finance 
  2. Journal Articles Marketing 2012

    Grief, Commiseration, and Consumption Following the Death of a Celebrity

    Journal of Consumer Culture
  3. Other Entrepreneurship, Management 2012

    Focus, Focus, Focus: What Teaching Entrepreneurship Has Taught Me About Marketing

    The Agency Post
  4. Journal Articles Finance June 2012

    Are Banks Opaque?

    International Review of Accounting, Banking and Finance
  5. Other Entrepreneurship, Management 2012

    Entrepreneurship Files: Building Confidence in Others

  6. Journal Articles Management 2012

     "Evaluation of new business ideas:  Do gender stereotypes play a role?"

    Journal of Managerial Issues