Research Directory

  1. Journal Articles Accountancy 1998

    "New disclosure rules for pensions and other postretirement benefit plans." 

    Journal of Financial Statement Analysis
  2. Journal Articles Management 1998

    Chapter 8: Epilogue: What Does the Concept of Identity Add to Organization Science?

    Identity in Organizations: Building Theory Through Conversation
  3. Journal Articles Management 1998

    An examination of the impact of institutional investors and corporate governance on firm performance

    The Investment Research Guide to Socially Responsible Investing
  4. Journal Articles Finance 1998

    Fractal Structure in the Pacific Rim

    Advances in Pacific Basin Financial Markets
  5. Book Chapter Management 1998

    A strategy conversation on the topic of organizational identity

    Identity in organizations: Developing theory through conversations
  6. Journal Articles Management 1998

    "Human resource practices and firm performance of multi-national corporations: Influences of country origin." 

    The International Journal of Human Resource Management
  7. Other Management 1998

    Anti-Personnel Landmine Policy

     Engineer Professional Bulletin Magazine
  8. Journal Articles Management 1998

    Breaking up is so very hard to do: Corporate diversification, restructuring, and stakeholder performance

    Turnaround Research: Past Accomplishments and Future Challenges