Example Analytical Tools Courses

PhD in Marketing

ECON 7370: Quantitative Economics ECON 7371: Introductory Econometrics ECON 8470: Dynamic Optimization ECON 8473: Applied Econometrics

PSYCH 8710: General Linear Models in Psychology I PSYCH 8720: General Linear Models in Psychology II PSYCH 9320: Social Psychology Methodology PSYCH 9330: Applied Research Methodology PSYCH 9520: Psychometrics PSYCH 9710: Multivariate Stat Psych

SOC 7120: Social Statistics SOC 7130: Advanced Social Statistics SOC 8120: Research Methodology SOC 9287: Seminar in Qualitative Methods in Sociology SOC 9837: Seminar in Multivariate Analysis Techniques

STAT 7210: Applied Nonparametric Methods STAT 7310: Sampling Techniques STAT 7350: Operations Research STAT 7510: Regression and Correlation Analysis STAT 7530: Analysis of Variance STAT 7540: Experimental Design STAT 7750: Introduction to Probability STAT 7760: Statistical Inference STAT 7830: Categorical Data Analysis STAT 7850: Introduction to Stochastic Processes STAT 9640: Bayesian Analysis 1 STAT 8640: Bayesian Analysis 2 STAT 9710: Mathematical Statistics 1 STAT 9720: Mathematical Statistics 2