PhD in Marketing

The PhD program in Marketing at the University of Missouri emphasizes the development of research and teaching skills needed to pursue career placement at a research-oriented university. Marketing offers great potential for student specialization and those interested in behavioral, strategic, or methodological issues are welcome in our program. The diversity of our faculty members’ research interests and expertise with varied research methods enables doctoral students to pursue a wide variety of interests.

The programs require a minimum of 72 semester hours of graduate work beyond the baccalaureate degree. Students entering the program will have completed their baccalaureate degree and, although it is not required, typically will have completed a master’s degree. The program is designed to be completed in four years by those with an MBA and graduate-level foundational math/statistics or econometrics coursework; entrants without an MBA or foundational graduate math/statistics or econometrics courses must take additional courses that will usually result in an additional year to complete the program. In our full-time program, students typically work 20 hours/week as a research or teaching assistant during Fall and Spring semesters and receive financial support including a full tuition waiver and fellowships for four years. Acceptance of financial support requires no substantive outside employment.

The PhD in marketing offers small class sizes, marketing doctoral seminars, and a collaborative environment. Students develop skills by working with faculty on research projects and from faculty mentoring. Students also gain valuable experience by teaching undergraduate courses. 


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A marketing PhD student develops a program of study through discussion with, and subject to the approval of, the student's doctoral advisor and program committee. Enrolled coursework in the program includes:

  • Business Foundation - at least 15 hours. This requirement typically is waived for students with an MBA or prior applicable coursework.
  • Marketing Concentration - An in-depth major concentration including 15 hours of 8000/9000-level courses in Marketing. 
  • Support Area(s) and Research Methodology and Statistics – total of at least 30 hours.  Students often take additional support area, research methodology and statistics courses. The combination of support area(s), research methods and statistics will vary depending on the interests and needs of the student, but one of the following configurations must be achieved:
    • Two 9-hour support areas plus 12 hours in research methodology and statistics -- or
    • One 12-hour support area plus 18 hours in research methodology and statistics.
  • Collateral Requirement & Analytical Tools - research methods and analysis sequence of at least 12 - 18 hours, including appropriate courses in economics, mathematics, psychology, sociology, statistics or other areas deemed appropriate by the doctoral program committee.
  • Required Professional Development Seminars – at least 4 hours (enrolled). An ongoing seminar experience (each semester until successful completion of comprehensive examinations) that acquaints the student with the current literature and research in his/her major area of interest. 
  • Dissertation Research – at least 12 hours.

The requirements listed above are independent of one another; courses taken to satisfy one requirement may not be used to satisfy any other requirement. The combination of coursework, seminar experience, and dissertation experience is designed to provide students with a sound foundation for a productive career as an academic in marketing.

Applications must be received by February 1 for full consideration for admission in the fall semester. Earlier applications are encouraged. Admission to the PhD program in marketing is highly selective. Applicants should demonstrate a strong record of academic accomplishment, intellectual curiosity, enthusiasm for discovery, and a general understanding of the demands of a doctoral program. Prior academic coursework, research experience, and employment activities in marketing are encouraged but not required.




All PhD students are evaluated annually to assess their progress in the program. The evaluations for first- and second-year students are conducted by the PhD program coordinator. The evaluations for dissertation-stage students are conducted by their dissertation committee chairs.

During the academic year, students are assigned to work as research assistants for faculty members in the department. These assignments allow students to develop proficiency in research methods and often lead to coauthored projects with faculty. 

Another important objective of the PhD program is to provide candidates with the opportunity to develop classroom instructional skills. To achieve this objective, doctoral students are assigned to teach undergraduate courses. These assignments require candidates to plan, conduct, and administer one course section per semester. During their time in the PhD program, students typically have the opportunity to teach multiple times. In preparation for the teaching experience, doctoral students are encouraged to attend various teaching-related events sponsored by the Department of Marketing, the Trulaske College of Business, and the University of Missouri.

Marketing Research at Mizzou

Seminar Series

The Department of Marketing hosts a research seminar in which faculty members, graduate students, and invited guest speakers discuss frontier academic research in marketing. Participation in the seminar/discussion series is considered an integral part of doctoral training. 

Sample Plan of Study

The Department of Marketing currently offers or arranges seminars for doctoral students in the areas of Marketing Strategy, Consumer Behavior, Research Methods, Academic Writing, and other topics. Most seminars are offered every other year, but incoming students each fall take the Introduction to Research Methods seminar. Students take courses for research methods and support areas in other departments on campus. 


  • MRKTNG 9010
  • MRKTNG Seminar
  • Research Methods #1
  • Support Area #1
  • MRKTNG 9101

Year 1: Spring Semester

  • MRKTNG Seminar
  • Research Methods #2
  • Research Methods #3
  • Support Area #1
  • MRKTNG 9101

In the summer following the first year of study, students take an Academic Writing Seminar and complete the Qualifying Exam project.

Year 2: Fall Semester

  • MRKTNG Seminar
  • Support Area #2
  • Research Methods #4
  • Support Area #3 or Research Methods #5
  • MRKTNG 9101

Year 2: Spring Semester

  • MRKTNG Seminar
  • Support Area #3 or Research Methods #5
  • Research Methods #6
  • Support Area #4
  • MRKTNG 9101

In the summer following the second year of study, students begin the Comprehensive Exam project, which concludes in the subsequent fall semester.

During the third and fourth years of study, student enroll in MRKTNG 9090: Research in Marketing. 

Students without an MBA are required to take additional foundation courses in the business disciplines.

Marketing PhD Coordinator

By the Numbers

Over the past five years, total enrollment in the PhD program in marketing has ranged from 8 to 11 students.  We graduate 1-2 students per year on average, and our placement rate is 100%.

Most graduates accept initial positions as tenure-track faculty members at research universities. Others pursue opportunities with regulatory and policy-making institutions or financial services firms. A representative sample of our student placements follows below.


Year Graduate Placement
2021 Yiwen Chen Texas A&M University - Central Texas
2020 Bitty Balducci Washington State University
2020 Li Chen Suffolk University
2019 Yeji Lim California State University - Fullerton
2019 Omid Kamran-Disfani Southern Illinois University - Carbondale
2018 Stephen Hampton Pennsylvania State University - Harrisburg
2017 Justin Lawrence Oklahoma State University
2017 Sunil Singh University of Nebraska

Show Me the Facts

Percentage of Marketing PhD students who receive fully funded assistantships
Students who have graduated from the Marketing PhD program since 2010
Placement rate for Marketing PhD students at the time of graduation