150-hour Integrated BSAcc/MAcc Program Admissions

Undergraduate Level

A graduate of the 150-hr Integrated BSAcc/MAcc program is awarded their Bachelor of Science in Accountancy and Master of Accountancy degree upon successful completion of all degree requirements and a minimum of 150 hours.  Students have the option to pursue a graduate certificate in accounting data analytics, assurance or taxation in their last 30 hours.  Additionally, students wishing to pursue another major, minor or certificate in conjunction with their accountancy degrees are able to with course planning.  Students who are admitted to MU and indicate an interest in studying accounting may visit the Undergraduate Advising Office of the College of Business (111 Cornell Hall, 573-882-7073).

The 150-hour Integrated BSAcc/MAcc program is open to qualified undergraduate students at Mizzou as well as qualified undergraduates who transfer to MU from other colleges and universities. Interested students not already admitted to Mizzou should visit the Office of Admissions website.  A student must first be admitted to the Trulaske College of Business before they are eligible to apply to the 150-hr Integrated BSAcc/MAcc program.

Admission decisions are made in the spring for fall admissions only.  Admittance to the 150-hour Integrated BSAcc/MAcc accountancy program requires the following minimum standards. Meeting minimum standards does not guarantee admission.

Applications are open May 1st - 7th, 2023

Click here to apply

Requirements to Apply


*Courses must be completed with a grade of C- of higher.

  • A minimum UM cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.  Students meeting the minimum requirements are selected for admission based on their cumulative GPA of record and in recent years, an overall cumulative GPA above a 3.0 was necessary to be admitted to the 150-Hour Program.
  • Note:  Students admitted to the 150-Hour Program must maintain a cumulative UM grade point average of 3.0 or higher for coursework completed subsequent to admission to the 150-hour program to be considered in good standing in the program.

  • Completion of a minimum of 54 semester hours of college credit.
  • Course work completed must include the following pre-accountancy courses (or equivalent) with a minimum GPA of 3.0 regardless of where the course is taken:
    • Acct 2036 (or Acct 2026 or Acct 2136H), Accounting I
    • Acct 2037 (or Acct 2027 or Acct 2137H), Accounting II
    • Econ 1014 or 1024 Microeconomics
    • Econ 1015 Macroeconomics
    • *English 1000, Exposition and Argumentation;
    • *Math 1300, Finite Mathematics
    • Math 1400, Elements of Calculus
    • *Stat 2500, Introduction to Probability and Statistics I
  • Grades of B- or better must be earned in the following courses, regardless of where the course is taken:
    • Acct 2036 (or Acct 2026 or Acct 2136H), Accounting I
    • Acct 2037 (or Acct 2027 or Acct 2137H), Accounting II
  • Additional coursework to be completed includes:
    • Acct 2258, Computer-Based Data Systems
    • BA 1500, Foundation of Business and Professional Development Principles
    • BA 2500, Intermediate Professional Development Principles - only required for students starting at Mizzou prior to Summer 2022
    • *Math 1100, College Algebra

Trulaske Edge

  • For students starting at Mizzou prior to Summer 2022:
    • The student  must earn a minimum of 70 Trulaske EDGE points at the lower level to be considered for official admittance to the upper level. Once admitted, students must earn a total of 200 Trulaske EDGE points for graduation.
  • For students starting at Mizzou on or after Summer 2022:
    • The student must earn a minimum of 100 Trulaske EDGE points at the lower level for official admittance to the upper level. Once admitted, students must earn a total of 200 Trulaske EDGE points to meet the graduatioin requirement.
  • Consult the Trulaske EDGE webpage for specific requirements.
  • If a student fails to meet the Trulaske Edge requirements, the student will be removed from the Upper Level.

Applications are open May 1st - 7th, 2023

Click here to apply

Learn More about the Accountancy Admissions Process

Watch the following videos from the Accountancy Advisor and some of our current students.

Accountancy Requirements Video
Student Perspective

Graduate Level

Students who successfully complete the undergraduate portion (120 minimum hours and all undergraduate degree requirements) of the 150-hour professional accountancy curriculum and maintain a cumulative UM grade point average of 3.0 or higher since admission to the program will submit an application to be admitted to the Graduate School and the graduate portion of the 150-Hour Program. Once admitted to the Graduate School, students must maintain a 3.0 cumulative graduate GPA in all courses taken. Upon successful completion of the graduate portion of the program (30 minimum hours and all graduate degree requirements), students are awarded both the BSAcc and MAcc degrees. When a student begins to take graduate classes they will begin paying graduate fees for coursework regardless of time spent on campus.


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