Transfer to Trulaske

Credits transferred from accredited Missouri community colleges usually include general education, upper level admission requirements and free elective courses. The Trulaske College of Business counts a maximum of 64 semester hours transferred from a community college toward the bachelor's degree. However, when more than 64 semester hours have been completed, the additional courses are evaluated on a course-by-course basis for applicability to requirements.

Mizzou is now utilizing a resource that is ideal for transfer students who are thinking about coming to Mizzou. By signing in here, you can now see how your completed courses will transfer when transitioning to our campus.

Frequently Asked Questions

Transfer students with fewer than 30 credit hours are admitted to the Trulaske College of Business if they meet the university admission requirements. The transcripts of students with over 30 credit hours are evaluated to determine if the student will be able to complete the requirements to apply to an Upper Level emphasis area by the semester after they have completed 60 credits. Students must have a minimum GPA of Record of 2.600 (3.000 for Accountancy) to apply for an upper level program, this GPA does not guarantee admission. Additionally, students must have completed or have in progress English 1000, Business Administration 1500, Business Administration 2500, Math 1100, Math 1300, Math 1400, Stat 2500, Economics 1014, Economics 1015, Accounting 2036 (2026) and Accounting 2037 (2027), Accounting 2258. Admission to the Upper Level is competitive, based on space available and contingent on completion of the Professional Development Program expectations. Meeting minimum requirements to apply DOES NOT GUARANTEE ADMISSION. Refer to Upper Level Admission Information

Class registration will be done at Summer/Winter Welcome. Once confirmation of Summer/Winter Welcome registration is received, you will be pre-enrolled in three courses. You will complete your schedule during your advising session at Summer/Winter Welcome.

During Summer/Winter Welcome you will attend a wide variety of orientation activities. Early in the day you will attend Divisional Orientation, where you will learn about the Trulaske College of Business and the programs it offers. You will also hear information about academic expectations and choosing classes, and be given materials important to helping you prepare for your academic advising session, which will occur later in the day.

MU Orientation

This depends on how many hours you are transferring to MU and what types of courses you have already taken. Your classes will be determined by your interests, previous credit, degree requirements and course availability. For additional information please visit the following:

All business students may apply for scholarships. Individual scholarships have various criteria: academic performance, financial need, geographic origins, activities/leadership, etc. To qualify for need-based scholarships, you must complete the FAFSA each year.